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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 134
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/12/2006

DVD.neXt.Copy. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: DVD.neXt.Copy.   DVD.neXt.Copy. Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 16, 2007 7:17 am

DVD.neXt.Copy. -aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kdmRuZXh0Y29weS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL3NjcmVlbnNob3RzL2NvbDIuZ2lm-200-150

DVD neXt Copy - The neXt
generation of DVD COPY software. The program lets you make backups of
all your DVD movies. It lets you preview tracks before and during
copying, supports all dual layer and single layer disc and burners,
lets you copy full multi-channel audio (Dolby digital 5.1, dts),
supports both NTSC and PAL DVD movies.


- COPY ALL your DVD movies
- MAKE COPIES of your backup COPIES
- SAVE DVD movies to your Computer
- MAKE MULTIPLE COPIES from movies on your hard drive
- BROWSE and VIEW DVD movies on your NETWORK
- ERASE and reuse rewritable disks
- READ with one drive AND BURN with the other
- PREVIEW tracks before and DURING copying
- REMOVE region protection
- SUPPORTS ALL Dual Layer and Single Layer disc and burners
- Copy Special Features (Movie Trailers, Commentary, etc.)
- Copy Full Multi-Channel Audio (Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS)
- Copies DVD Movie to One Blank Disc (No Need to Split)
- Supports both NTSC and PAL DVD movies
- Supports all SCSI, IDE, USB DVD burners/recorders on the market
- Supports both home and PC DVD players
- Supports 15 different languages
- Supports 1x - 16x speed blank media
- 24 hour Technical Support

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